C Programming
Dennis M. Ritchie at bell telephone laboratories developed a new programming language name as C. This language was used in development of UNIX operating system. C language is a general purpose and procedural computer programming language which supported the concept of code re-usability. It was developed in year 1972 and since then which ever programming language is designed and developed contains most of the properties that were defined during the development of C Language. Even today this language is used to write code for hardware programming at lower level and its variation named as 'Embedded C' is used to write programs for various general purpose consumer electronics products like, microwaves, refrigerators, air conditioners etc.
In this tutorial we will be starting with the basic concepts and as the course tutorial proceeds we will be covering the most advanced concepts of C language. Also this course tutorial will include bunch of problems to provide hands on to learners. This Tutorial will cover topics in following sequence.
- Algorithm and Basic Programming techniques
- Computer, algorithm and flowchart
- basics of programming language
- steps in development of a program
- program compilation and debugging
- Program Structure
- Input/output statements
- assignment statements
- constants, variables and data types
- operators and expressions
- use of header files and library functions
- Control Structures
- Introduction
- decision making with if – statement, if – else and Nested if
- while and dowhile
- until, for loop
- switch and break statements
- Functions
- Introduction to functions
- global and local variables
- function definition
- declaration and function call
- parameters and parameter passing techniques – call by value/ reference
- Arrays
- Introduction to arrays
- array declaration and initialization
- single and multidimensional array
- arrays of characters
- Pointers
- Introduction to pointers
- address operator and pointers
- declaring and initializing pointers
- assignment through pointers
- pointers and functions
- pointers and arrays
- Structures and Unions
- Declaration of structures
- accessing structure members
- structure initialization
- arrays of structure
- unions
- differences between structure and union
- Strings
- Introduction
- declaring and initializing string variables
- reading and writing strings
- string handling functions
- array of strings
- Files
- Introduction
- file reading/writing in different modes
- file manipulation using standard function types
- Project Work
- Gottfried, Byron S. Schaum's Outline of Programming with C. McGraw-Hill, Inc.
- Kanetkar, Yashavant P. Let us C. Infinity Science Press.
- Balagurusamy, E. Programming in C. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing.
Feedback & Suggestions
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